Radio Now is a public service media company focused on delivering factual, nuanced, and balanced Nigerian-focused programming. We exist to hold power accountable and help you be a better informed, and involved citizen.
Truth is our currency, and we go Beyond the News. This means our job is to tell you what happened, who it happened to, where and when it happened, how it affects you, and what you can do about it. But we don’t stop there.
We’ll do this through in-depth news reporting, hard-hitting interviews, engaging features, events, and entertainment programming that empower citizens to hold public and private sectors accountable, build social consciousness and promote nation-building.
Our primary medium is radio broadcast. We are on your radio on 95.3 FM Lagos.
We also distribute content through podcasts, newsletters, and social media platforms – we are @RadioNow953FM on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Clubhouse.
Although based in Lagos, we produce programming that caters to Nigeria and beyond.