June 22, 2024
Hezbollah launches rockets & drones at northern Israel military sites
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Hezbollah launches rockets & drones at northern Israel military sites

Hezbollah has said it launched a major drone and rocket attack targeting several Israeli military bases amid growing fears of an all-out war between the Lebanese armed group and Israel.

It was the largest attack by the Iran-aligned group since the outbreak of violence between the two sides on October 8, a Hezbollah source told journalists on Thursday.

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The group said the attack in northern Israel was in retaliation for the assassination of senior commander Taleb Abdullah – known as Abu Taleb – in an Israeli air raid in the southern Lebanese village of Jouaiya earlier this week.

The Lebanese group used 150 rockets and 30 explosive drones to target 15 Israeli positions, including some in the occupied Golan Heights.

Israeli media outlets reported that Hezbollah rockets wounded at least two people and started 15 fires.

The Israeli military said in a post on X that “numerous” launches were intercepted and that some ignited fires.

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