June 27, 2024
Lagos Govt Impounds 40 Vehicles Over Road Obstructions
News Today In the News

Lagos Govt Impounds 40 Vehicles Over Road Obstructions

We begin this bulletin here in Lagos, where the State Government has impounded 40 vehicles over road obstructions and operating illegal garages. 


In a statement on Friday, the Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) Director of Public Affairs and Enlightenment Department, Adebayo Taofiq, said the move is part of steps to “restore order and ensure the free flow of traffic”.

Twenty-five of the vehicles are commercial while the rest are private cars. They were impounded around the Oyingbo, Ijora, and Idumota areas of Lagos.

LASTMA said the areas where the cars were impounded are “known hotspots for traffic congestion” which is linked to unauthorised parking and the establishment of makeshift garages

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They warned that the move will be extended to other parts of the state and called on vehicle owners and operators to follow the state’s traffic regulations and cooperate with authorities to avoid sanctions.