October 25, 2024
Senate Clash Over Funding Mechanism for Regional Commissions Sparks Debate
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Senate Clash Over Funding Mechanism for Regional Commissions Sparks Debate

Senate Clash Over Funding Mechanism for Regional Commissions Sparks Debate
Nigerian House of Senate

A minor disruption occurred in the Senate on Thursday during discussions on the funding of regional development commissions, following the creation of the Ministry of Regional Development by President Bola Tinubu. The debate centered around the South-South Development Commission Establishment Bill 2024, which was under clause-by-clause consideration.

The Senate Committee on Special Duties had proposed that 15 percent of statutory allocations from member states within each geopolitical zone should fund the commissions. This proposal led to concerns, with senators such as Yahaya Abdullahi raising objections. They warned that this clause could provoke legal battles, as states may accuse the Federal Government of infringing on their statutory allocations.

After a lengthy debate and clarifications, the contentious clause was put to a voice vote and passed, securing Senate approval for the funding framework.

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