July 27, 2024
Revenue Commission To Postpone Review Of Political Office Holders’ Salaries Due To Economic Challenges
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Revenue Commission To Postpone Review Of Political Office Holders’ Salaries Due To Economic Challenges

The Revenue Mobilisation Allocation and Fiscal Commission (RMAFC) says it will postpone the upward review of the salaries of political office holders in the country.

Mohammed Shehu, chairman of the commission said the postponement is due to current economic challenges in Nigeria.

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The RMAFC is a federal government agency responsible for mobilising and allocating revenue to the three tiers of government in Nigeria.

In June, the commission had said the salaries of politicians, judicial and public office holders will be increased by 114 percent.

    • 10 months ago

    […] READ ALSO: Revenue Commission To Postpone Review Of Political Office Holders’ Salaries Due To Economic Challe… […]

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