July 27, 2024
Brazilian Singer Darlyn Morais Dies Following Spider Bite
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Brazilian Singer Darlyn Morais Dies Following Spider Bite

Brazilian singer Darlyn Morais, dies at the age of 28 years old, after a spider bite to his face. Mr. Morais initially experienced body fatigue and developed a dark bruise on his face.

His wife, Jhullyenny Lisboa, shared with Brazilian news outlet G1 that they sought medical attention, suspecting an allergic reaction.

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After receiving treatment, he was discharged on Friday, November 3. Unfortunately, his condition did not improve, leading to his admission to Palmas General Hospital on Sunday. Despite the efforts of doctors, they couldn’t save the talented singer, and he passed away on Monday.

Tragically, his 18-year-old stepdaughter was also bitten by a spider on her foot and is currently hospitalised. Thankfully, she remains in a stable condition.

    • 9 months ago

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