July 27, 2024
Former Paralympian, Pistorius To Be Freed On Parole
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Former Paralympian, Pistorius To Be Freed On Parole

Former Paralympic champion Oscar Pistorius is to be freed from jail on parole, nearly 11 years after murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp.

He shot Steenkamp multiple times through a bathroom door on Valentine’s Day in 2013, later claiming he mistook her for a burglar.

Pistorius, now 37, was sentenced by a South African court in 2016 to serve 13 years in prison.

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The parole board has set his release for 5 January 2024.

Steenkamp’s mother did not oppose bail but – in a letter sent to the parole board – said she wondered whether Pistorius’s “huge anger issues” were truly dealt with in prison.

She added that she would potentially be “concerned for the safety of any woman” who now comes into contact with him.

    • 8 months ago

    […] READ ALSO: Former Paralympian, Pistorius To Be Freed On Parole […]

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