July 27, 2024
Industrial Crises Awaits Incoming Administration – NLC President
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Industrial Crises Awaits Incoming Administration – NLC President

The Nigeria Labour Congress President, Mr. Joe Ajaero, says the  incoming administrations will face several industrial crises due to the previous government’s failed agreements with the various groups.

Mr Ajaero notes that there are several inconclusive industrial challenges left unattended by the outgoing administration.

Sharing his assessment of Nigerian workers’ welfare under the Buhari administration, the labour president says there will be a spillover effect on the coming administration.

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According to him, several industrial crises seem to be looming due to failed agreements with lecturers, doctors and the power sector.

He however stated that the present administration tried its best in ensuring there was industrial peace and harmony to the best of its ability though it was not enough.

    • 1 year ago

    […] READ ALSO: Industrial Crises Awaits Incoming Administration – NLC President […]

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