July 27, 2024
Minister Umahi Says N18.6trn Required For Road
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Minister Umahi Says N18.6trn Required For Road

The Minister of Works, Dave Umahi says N18.6 trillion is needed to fix the road sector in the next four years.

Speaking when he appeared before the House of Representatives’ Committee on Appropriation to defend the N300 billion for the Ministry of Works from the N2.176 trillion supplementary budget, the minister also appealed to the National Assembly for the provision of contingency funds for the Ministry to deal with emergency situations as it pertains to the roads.

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While reiterating his earlier call for the construction of concrete roads, saying it is less expensive and more durable, he said the request for the 2023 supplementary budget became necessary to restore some of the funds removed from the 2022 supplementary appropriation in order to enhance project completion and provide emergency repair works on failed sections roads.

He added that the N300 billion proposed for the Ministry of Works is targeted especially to the highway sectors to ensure free flow of traffic on federal road networks especially as the yuletide approaches.

    • 9 months ago

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