July 27, 2024
Rainfall Affects 228 Buildings, 336 Families In Lagos — NEMA
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Rainfall Affects 228 Buildings, 336 Families In Lagos — NEMA

The National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) says an assessment of rainfall in Lagos in the first two weeks of May shows that 228 buildings and 336 families have been impacted to various degrees.


Ibrahim Farinloye, Territorial Coordinator NEMA, Lagos office, says the major occurrences recorded severe wind/rainstorm without any casualty or fatality.


Mr. Farinloye says NEMA has carried out assessments of Agboyi one, Agboyi two, Agboyi three, Odo Ogun communities in Kosofe Local Government Area of Lagos State and discovered 130 houses that have been either partially or fully affected.

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98 buildings in Agege; Ifako Ijaye; Ikola, Isale Aboru and Oke Ishagun, located in Alimosho Local Government Area of Lagos State with about 108 families affected. He added that about 13 electric poles were affected in the areas.


Mr. Farinloye has urged Nigerians to exercise utmost restraint on their activities especially during working hours.

    • 1 year ago

    […] READ ALSO: Rainfall Affects 228 Buildings, 336 Families In Lagos — NEMA […]

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